**** DONE: GB-36 1:48 Macchi C.205 ( 1 ) - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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It's a b*gger when that sort of thing happens !
Geo, it might be better to make the mast by carving, filing and sanding some sprue, stretched slightly to reduce the thickness, as the plastic card version might distort at some point.
I've had to do this in the past, and did the shaping at the end of the 'thickly' stretched sprue, allowing a good length of 'spare' plastic in order to hold and work with the part. Once carved and sanded to shape, it can then be cut off, creating a 'pin' on the bottom to aid location.
Finally down to painting and just noticed a seam I missed at the tail wheel. Though its hard to tell, I sprayed the lower wings and stabs with Tamiya XF-19 Sky Grey, said to be a close match to the Italian "Grigio Chiaro". The instructions say that this aircraft had the upper colour wrap around the lower nose and rear fuselage. I cannot find a picture showing a -205 painted like this yet; I'll search through my books tonight and if I can't find one I'll go with the norm, grey under sides. I'll let this dry tonight and though there is a decal for the white fuselage band I'll paint it on.

EDIT: Weird.....I finished my typing and tried to upload the photo but couldn't. After several tries I tried to drag the photo into place but got a pop-up that said I need to be logged on. I logged back on and found that the site logged me out half way through my typing......weird
It's looking good Geo.
Over the weekend, and last Friday, I experienced that logging out thing too, more than once - very strange, and I thought maybe I'd done something wrong without realising it. But happy to know now it must have been a forum 'glitch'.

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