**** DONE: GB-39 1:48 CR. 42 Falco - Battle for France to Battle of Britain

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Thanks Wayne. Damn, just noticed that I forgot to hit "Post" for my update last night so here it is:

After several hours of masking and 20 minutes of painting, the struts have been sprayed with XF-19 Sky Grey.


After stripping all the masks, results are decent though some areas got some grey underneath the tape where it was hard to seal so I'll need to address those somehow. The underside will just need a bit of sharpening up of the demarcations with a fine brush.


These areas will be a bit more tricky and a possible remask and application of the camo colours may be in order.


A small shot of Alclad should take care of this area, the only bit on the bottom that didn't quite work out. The area at the leading edge was me forgetting to mask there.


Here's an overall shot of the the underside of the upper wing showing the wrap around of the yellow at the leading edge. You can see the small touch-up that will be needed at the center.


The major painting hurdles are over, barring touch-up challenges which will be addressed next. Thanks again for stopping by.
Thanks Wojtek.

Minor touch ups completed (compare to photo above) and gloss coat applied.

Thanks all. Wayne, I'm always a bit leery when brushing Tamiya paints so opted to spray. The small gear struts probably could have been brushed though.

Anyhoo, got the decals on the model and boy am I glad I painted the white backgrounds as the white fields on the upper wing insignia are very transparent and would have shown the mottles underneath. In fact, I can tell that one side had a slightly browner tinge from when I initially forgot to mask the circles and got one very thin sweep of desert yellow on the white.

Here's an overall view of the completed port side:


I had a problem with the white serial number string in that the setting solution curled one of the numbers. In addition, the whole decal was placed too close to the yellow 95 when I checked my reference so I went ahead and scraped it off. That was an option for me as the kit provided another decal that would allow any s/n to be displayed so I made up a new decal with the 4462 numbers individually cut and placed. When I scraped off the first decal, I had some paint come off too so I had to repaint the area. When I applied the new decal, I had a tiny chip come off again which you can just see over the second 4. I'll get this with a fine brush and a dab of desert yellow.


Rather than use the white cross on the tail, I thought that the cross that I painted was good enough so I just cut out the coat of arms and applied that instead of risking a slight mismatch of the paint and decal. There is a small density variation of the white around the decal but it's hard to see with the naked eye.


The wing commander flag is a bit of a letdown in that it is too small based on a reference pic, plus I went and placed it slightly crooked as well. I had already applied setting solution when I noticed it so am stuck with it. Even the instructions for the decal placement show the flag as being larger but only one kind of flag was provided so I had no choice. I thought about masking and painting a new one but may just leave it as is.


The prop and spinner is all done and awaits a final matte coat. The front of the blades are a light blue grey mix and the backs are black - a bit of a tricky masking job.


The machine guns are tiny and not very well moulded. I decided to enhance them a bit by cutting off the muzzles and adding some brass tube. They don't look super great in the close-up but are small enough to look passable to the eye.


So the next step is to apply a matte coat to everything and then get on with the fun part of getting the upper wing mated. See you soon.
Good stuff Andy despite a few let downs. Is it just me or do others find that brush painting the color on top of same color that's been airbrushed turns out slightly darker? I went through my left-over Italian decals and no pennants.
Thanks guys. Geo, thanks for looking but it would be an easy mask and paint to fix the pennant if I do it. I found that the desert yellow colour darkened quite a bit with the gloss coat. Hopefully the matte coat tones it down a bit.
Sorry, but that stencil on rudder side should read: P.a V. (Peso a Vuoto = Empty Weight). That "D" makes no sense.

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