**** DONE: GB-41 1:48 KAWANISHI N1K2-J "EARLY" - PTO from 1937

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Good work and glad it worked for you. I find that the results can vary quite a bit. Sometimes the paint flakes off too easily and other times hardly at all.
Thanks guys. Gotta agree with you Andy, lots of variables: paint thickness, time the paint has dried before starting, how long the water is left on etc The paint on the right side came off with very little effort and the left side took a lot of scrubbing. I used the brush on the left, a Citadel dry brush and briefly tried the brush on the right, a Citadel stippler brush. This brush is very stiff and will remove rust from an old farm tractor.

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Future is dry and deecalling has begun. I need to learn how to airbrush Future...........

Started with the bottom Hinomarus, no photos, trust me....they are round and red.
OK....so I posted this in the wrong thread...

Thanks guys. Main decals are on the left side and upper wings. The fuselage Hinomarus are in two parts with an additional "White 03" being separate. The "03" on the Hinomaru is off-white and would have been acceptable on its own but there was too much contrast with the bright white fuselage stripe. I surprised myself by lining up the overlying decal on the first shot

Right side done, a few dozen stencils to go.

For some reason, I have scores of tail numbers on the decal sheet. Not complaining as Japanese tail numbers are rarely in the decal stash

For the life of me, I can't find where decal #49 goes. I believe its the aircraft data stencil and I've usually seen it located under the left stabilizer

Off to edit my other thread......................

Yep.. the production detail marking should be under the port stabilizer...

the pic source: the Internet.
In a couple of other pics I didn't noticed the marking. So it is very likely it could be overpainted by a maintenance crew in the squadron. Or just these weren't applied at the war end.
It is quite interesting because the Hasegawa ST33 Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden Kai (GEORGE) 1/32 scale kit instruction shows that there. Decal marking number 12...

Interesting. They've made a mistake with the fuselage stripe. The profile in"Genda's Blade shows the stripe as a diagonal as on the 1:48 instructions. Odd that the same company would do this. In the meantime, while waiting for the decals to dry I did a test using Tamiya Panel Wash on the cowling. I chose to use grey. I also have brown and light grey. Not sure if I should use the grey or brown so I thought I would show it first and see what you guys think. Depending on which video you watch, depends how long you leave the wash on: 10 minutes to an hour so I split it and left it on for 40 minutes. Armed with my new lady tools and odorless paint thinner I set out...

....ideally, you touch the brush to the panel line and it will flow a centimeter or two which it did in places

The little stains on the sides of the panel lines have since been attended to

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