**** DONE: GB-55 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 - MTO III

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Ralph Haus

Tech Sergeant
Jul 24, 2016
Leander Texas
Username: Ralph Haus
First name: Ralph
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model: Bf 109 G-6 kit #61117
Scale: 1:48
Box Art Bf-109 G-6.JPG

Yet another 109 in the GB-55 mix. Dave, you get to see what is in this box...

Th kit is still in the mail, but everyone has seen sprus, and probably those of this one, so I will not bore all with photos of such.

The kit, I believe comes with a fairly detailed set of internals, engine, cockpit bits, and I will attempt to do them justice by keeping all covers open so they can be seen. The markings will be for 7/JG27 Malome, Crete, Dec. 1943. This is the Tamiya kit marking option. I have another 1/72 Academy kit, same craft, but marking are stated as 7/JG27, flown by Emil Klade, Jan. 1944, Greece. Although the fusalage camo has different patterns on the two? The Tamiya pattern seems to match the photos available on the web for this particular craft (white 9), so I'll use that. But would the camo been repainted in less than 3 months?


Tamiya instruction snip.JPG
Bf 109 G-6 Academy instructions.jpg

Kit came in so I am able to make a bit of progress. The cockpit is a very busy one. Pleased to see this. Not sure I'm doing it justice, but here are some of the first progress photos. Now is the time for 'comments', before this gets buttoned up.

This is dry fitted so the gaps are there. Hindsight says I should have installed the decal seat belts 'AFTER' I installed the cockpit permanent; seeing the actual attach locations on the cockpit rear deck. I'll ponder after assembly and the canopy is being fitted; splicing in something? Or, I should invest in some after market belts and peel the decals off?
Bf-109 G6 Cockpit installed.jpg

Bf-109 G6 Cockpit installed port.jpg

Some painting detail. Looks perfect 1/1, blown-up, not so much.
Bf-109 G6 Cockpit.jpg

Bf-109 G6 Cockpit Starboard.jpg

Bf-109 G6 Cockpit Port.jpg
I would say you have given yourself a hard call, what you have done looks great and if you decide to enhance, getting the decals off could be difficult depending on how well they have set. I would be inclined to let sleeping dogs lie and maybe think of 3D or PE belts next time round. :D
Kit came in so I am able to make a bit of progress. The cockpit is a very busy one. Pleased to see this. Not sure I'm doing it justice, but here are some of the first progress photos. Now is the time for 'comments', before this gets buttoned up.
View attachment 685186
Ralph, I'm sorry to bother you with this small addition but IMHO the fuel line in the cockpit is NOT to be painted yellow in the middle - there is a transparent tube there, so the pilot can see if fuel is pumped from the auxiliary (belly) tank to the main fuel tank.


And the schematics from an original manual:

Position d is called "Schauglas" which is exactly this: glass piece you can see trough.
I believe the whole original part in the Hasegawa kit was transparent for that purpose.
Good correction call. So many 'examples' of builds out there to reference and all seem different! Not sure what color could represent 'clear' the best. Perhaps a muted color of the fule that was in the lines? Very, very, palish yellowish green? Or just a very light grey?
I would say you have given yourself a hard call, what you have done looks great and if you decide to enhance, getting the decals off could be difficult depending on how well they have set. I would be inclined to let sleeping dogs lie and maybe think of 3D or PE belts next time round. :D
I suppose I could look for a set of 3D belts? Don, the source you use? The decals are coated with Tamiya decal set, strong, so they could bend over the seat and may be tough to get off cleanly. Or I could give a try at detailing out the supplied pilot (never have gotten a face to look human) and plunk it on top of the crappy decals.
Good correction call. So many 'examples' of builds out there to reference and all seem different! Not sure what color could represent 'clear' the best. Perhaps a muted color of the fule that was in the lines? Very, very, palish yellowish green? Or just a very light grey?

The best way would be replace the part of the duct with a clear part. But I don't recommend that way though. Instead of this you may paint the part with a pale light blue colour and then applied some of the clear gloss varnish over that. The very light grey colour could be as well.

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