**** DONE: GB-55 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 - MTO III

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One of the pluses of this kit is the details that are provided, especially when opting for open cockpit and cowling to show off the engine and the internal details. The down side is having to prepaint and assemble these seemingly endless bits. Not sure when I'll get to putting the parts together so that it starts to look similar to an aircraft? Slow and easy is my mantra whenever I start the build day.

Still debating adding some color wash to the internal engine area panels. Probably will make some of the areas 'pop'? I did pick up some Vallejo 'Model WASH', choose 'European Dust'. Kind of a not 'in-your-face' color which should go well with the RLM 02. Being water based it should not be as aggressive as the Tamiya panel line fluids that I have tried, and failed with.

I certainly am open (here we go again, with the color stuff) to any opinions on different wash shades. Again, my non shading experience showing. These are not very expensive, so it probably would be good to have a collection.

Bf 109 G-6 Progress 2.jpg

Bf 109 G-6 Progress 1.jpg

Vallejo European Dust.jpg
I need to detail out the pilot. That will take awhile! Need to do this to cover the seatbelt ugly. Then the wings can go on....

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You can thank me later
A definite option. However, assuming the detailing of the pilot comes out acceptable, It is an interesting addition in that it does show the 'compactness' of the cockpit area and just how little room a pilot had. But then again who was the pilot 'model', scaled to 1/48? Could have been a 250 lb. hulking Hans?
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The pilot it is. I may, just to be more accurate, create a couple of belt extensions that go from the pilots shoulders to the panel attach points. Thinking of a couple of layers of masking tape cut to width and length. Will make attaching easy! Probably applied after the build is mostly complete; seems like these would be as vulnerable as those tiny fuselage parts added at the last minute.
Bf 109 G-6 Pilot.jpg

Got a little 'artsy'
Bf 109 G-6 Polit 1.jpg

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