Got a bunch of detail shots for you David. I'll post them later when I've finished re-sizing them. Boy, it's a big beastie that Viggen, and the nice bloke at the museum let me over the barrier so I could get up close!
Here's one to be going on with.
Rather than take up space and clutter your thread David, I'll make a separate thread in the general Modelling section. There are 25 pics, so quite a bit to go at!!
Nice work old boy. Having now seen the real thing close up, I can safely say that it's going to be a real t*** to mask and paint the model!!
Good luck VB !!!!
Nice find old chap. The chappie at the museum offered to get the ladder up to the cockpit, but as I wouldn't have been able to climb it, I politely declined! Bl**dy arthritis !!
I'd been traveling for a few days and was just able to get online today. Thanks Terry and Jan for the info and reference material!! I'd used a conversion chart for the paint but I think I need to double checks it.