Thanks Wojtek. I've now got the main landing gear done, and also the nose wheel leg and wheel, although this needs some clean-up.
PIC 1. Shows the main gear, with the wheel rims painted Medium Green and some of the details picked out. There's still some retouching to be done, especially around the brake lines, which can't be seen in this shot, and the oleos - not happy with the chrome finish on those.
PIC 2. The nose wheel had some ejector pin marks on one side - what a pain to remove!
PIC 3. The assembled and painted nose gear leg, with the anti-skid device added from sprue, and the dual brake lines and looped connector pipe added from lead wire. The gear position indicator lamp and its wiring has been added to the starboard side, again using sprue and lead wire. The paint is still drying in this shot, and again, more re-painting is neccessary, as the superglue used to fix the lead wires had spread, not showing up until painted. Once the first coats have fully hardened, the leg, and the brake lines etc, will be re-painted.