**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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Thanks Guys...hopefully you will like this next stage....Main Canopies fitted...


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Ah fer *c&s sake ! That's more real than the real one ! B*ll*cks, I'm taking up beer mat collecting, or the study of rare species of common weeds, or .......

that would beat my imagination ..hehe

but you can rest and relax and not to worry one bit..and if there should be just the slightest doubt you know i can come up with eveidences ( as i have pretty much along the way in your build ) and man..seeing your cockpit is a blessing to the eye..all details just make it right ( one does not have to know the Ju 88 to see that this is just right.. no imagination could do that

and belive me pal..i could have put on tons more of details and small items that are missing in the kit.. but i havent bothered..hehe as you kit is sweet enough and just frickin mindblowing..and i would like to see it finished also one day
and the missing details..well..i know and not to many else so then again.. what one doesent know doesent hurt one..hehe


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