**** DONE: Revell 1/48 P-40B RAF 112 Squadron in Egypt in 1941 MTO Group Build

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No. it is not good for the thing you have to do now.Don't you really have a small piece of flannela from an old shirt?
OK. It is OK. Now fold it three or four times to make a smaller and thicker.

The seam is nit necesarry. You can cut it off.
OK. Now Harry you have to wipe the model all undersides and the fuselage sides up to half of these.Soak the rag with the thinner and slowly wash the wing undersides , tail undersides, the fusleage undersides and sides up to half.Simply everywhere where the blue uncderside paint has to be applied.Warrning.....don't soak these masks of jaws and eyes and the tail wheel bay.ALso you don't have to wipe the painted areas with the white paint.
Hold your model undesides up catching the fuselage with left hand fingers at the cockpit area. Don't touch these wipped surfaces with your fingers.When finished put the model away for drying.

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