**** DONE: Revell 1/48 P-40B RAF 112 Squadron in Egypt in 1941 MTO Group Build

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Is the distance between the jaws corner and the top line of the yellow tape strip the same like on the another side ( pic - my post #3003) ?
So OK. Show me the bottom of the fuselage masked with the tape at its rear area.I'm interested in how these tape stripes look like on the fuselage sides.
Unfortunately it is incorrect on both sides.Sorry HArry but you have to do it again.

Look at the pic below.The borderline between underside blue and the top and side camo is a straight line ( yellow one ) It starts from the end of the fuselage-wing transition and finishes at the rudder. The line is going a little bit above the tail wheel bay.


  • P-40 112 Shark sqn1.jpg
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" Uhumm "was connected to your previous post but not to the last with pic.We have crisse-crossed.

Harry there is too much of the tape.What is more it is not a straight line. ALso you have to use one tape strip for each side.
These can't consist of a couple of short ones. So remove the old making and do new ones.
Look at the pic below. Can you see where is incorrect? What is more. you shoudl use scissors to remove these "teeth" from the tape edges. And stop bothering about the blue colour above the tape line.


  • 102_5777a.JPG
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