Nearly Finished!
The final details are almost done - just needs a bit of tidying up here and there, and some retouching.
PIC 1. One of the wing tip nav lamps, and the 'fabric' gun patches, slightly depressed into the ports.
PIC 2. Windscreen on and sealed, with a mirror from an old Airfix kit, as the ICM mirrors were a bit large. The mirror surface has yet to be added. The cockpit hatch in place, with the crow bar in dull metal, although it doesn't show-up very well in this pic. (Note: they weren't painted red until post war.) The radio mast was a touch on the heavy side, so it was filed down a bit, and only has the first paint coat on here. The canopy is only loosely placed for the photo, and has yet to be cleaned-up. Some retouching around the 'Kristal Klear' sealant on the windscreen and rear glazing has yet to be done.
PIC 3. Tail lamp from extruded 'Kristal Klear', still setting here.
PIC 4. The kit pitot was a little oversize, so it was replaced with one from the old Airfix MkV kit. It has yet to be painted in this shot.
PIC 5. The IFF rod antenna under the starboard wing, from stretched sprue, as yet unpainted.
PIC 6. The downward identification lamp has been painted, and then glazed with 'Kristal Klear', which again, is still setting and clearing here.
So after the tidy-up and re-touch session, she'll be finished. I should have the final photos posted in the next couple of days, all being well.