Cheers guys. Since I have both the D200 and the D300 now, I used both to shoot the moon. They both performed well, but the D300 was a little bit sharper. But the d300 also has a few more megapixels, to be fair. I used the Sigma 50-500 for this shot, and it is cropped to bring out the detail.
Here is a little experiment I did a couple of weeks back. I used a plasma globe, black coth background and a tripod. Different shutter speeds yielded different results.
Thanks guys. Yes, Shinpachi, I went real slow to faster. I took a ton of shots and played around with different settings like ISO, shutter speed and f-stops.
Thanks Dave. I had misplaced my tripod and found it while looking for something else. While we were rearranging some furniture, I set the plasma ball down and that's when the idea hit me. Sometimes creativity strikes when you least expect it.
Last Sunday, I was in a 19 ship formation for the Veterans Day parade over Santa Barbara. It was some of the best formation work I have ever seen from the air. Here are some samples
Bravo flight behind us with Charlie flight forming up behind them
Alpha flight over Santa Barbara
This was a tricky shot to get!
Doesn't get any better than this.
I'm leaving here in about 10 minutes to do a shoot for an advertising campaign, and will be flying some aerobatics. Wheee!