Evan's photography phun

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Cheers for that eric.
I am looking at the finance situation and hope to get a D300 body before FL in 7 weeks time. I am hoping to go to my local camera shop and try out my bigma on a body to get some idea of the possible results I'll let you know how I get on.
Thanks Lee. I am curious to see how the Bigma performs on the D300. One option that I am considering for a bit is the rental option on the lens for a while. I can rent the 200-400 for about $60 for the weekend, which is a fair bit cheaper than shelling out $5-6k.
Gents, I am very close to having my first photo book ready. I am going to use a "vanity press" for this first run. There will be more to follow if this one is well received. The book layout and covers are all done. I am just going through the final checks and getting approval from the subject, who will remain anonymous until the book is ready for print.

Stay tuned, it is very close.
Cheers Lee. I am already getting some lift from these guys. The funny thing is that they sought me out. I never expected that. They get between 3 and 4 million hits a month on their website! If I get a small fraction of that, it's be great exposure.
Cheers Lee. I am already getting some lift from these guys. The funny thing is that they sought me out. I never expected that. They get between 3 and 4 million hits a month on their website! If I get a small fraction of that, it's be great exposure.

That must give your confidence a big lift Eric. Shows just how much your images stand out from the every day shots. I think you could well look towards (if you wished to ) going full time in the next year or so. Only fly in the ointment I can see is job security and the resession, the arts always get hit hard when cutbacks in spending are made.
I see a D700 is on the cards, bloody hell its impossible to keep up with technoledgy.
Had a look (look only) at the Hasselblad in my local specialist shop 39meg and £18000, some camera.
38meg is huge! But then, so it the price tag.

I have thought about putting more time into it, but it's tough. Partly because it's seasonal and partly because it's kind of feast or famine. But I have no idea where things will be in a year. Everything has gone way faster than I expected.
Thanks guys. I did a little practice shooting today out at Santa Paula Airport. I like this little airport and there are some neat gems out there. I can't remember when I have seen so many Ercoupes or Citabrias in one day. The cross winds were making things interesting. Here are a couple of the take-offs and landing in the cross wind.


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Remind me never to try to land there

Eric i forgot way to go man very proud to know such an expert photographer. My mom just gave me an old pentax 35mm so im going to get started with that, ive used thic cam before and i know somewhat what it can do, nothing like a digital but for free i cant bitch
Yeah, I have always liked Santa Paula. It has a unique character to it.

Congrats on the Pentax, Wilbur. I started with film, many many years ago. But it's a great medium to learn on and develop your technique.

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