So I started my museum of photography. My first donations came in the mail yesterday as I was cleaning up my garage and organizing thing to make my studio better. The collection so far is online on my website at VG-Photo Museum of Photography
I may hit a few thrift stores to see if I can find some old relics for the collection/museum. It's kind of fun to research these old cameras. Here are a few of the pieces in the collection so far:
My old Kodak Tele-ektra 300
Polaroid with Sonar auto-focus
My old workhorse, like an old friend, the Minolta X-370
Man I wish I had kept my old camera I got in the 5th grade for selling seeds, I just got rid of it about a year ago along with a Miranda 35mm I bought in Japan in 68. I'll check around the house and see if I still have anything Eric. Looks like your starting a fine collection mate. I think I may still have the original Poloroid we bought in 67.
Thanks Merv. I saw one on e-bay earlier today that I once had. I had one of the earlier Polaroids (Land Camera, I think). I want to find an old brownie and some of the box cameras. It's kind of neat to find these old gems.
Those are neat. One of the guys in the camera club has all the cameras he's ever owned and he's near seventy years old now. I think he may even have a brownie but I'm not sure. Put on display it is a lot of fun to look at.
Nice collection, Eric, and it is a good idea to have your own museum.
Seeing your MD lens, I am reminded that glass lenses might be better than recent plastic products in sharpness.
Thanks for sharing.