GB#21 - Pacific Theatre of Operations

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Research is half the fun Red 2! As of now, I'd love a 1/144 scale Tribal Class Destroyer! Would look nice with the USS Charles this case I'm thinking of HMS Tartar, G43...
I got it for this GB course, these will be:



and if I have time the third:

I'm now trying to decide just what to do for this GB....

My current choices, the Zoukei Mura 1/32 J2M3 Raiden, 1/32 ZM J7W1 Shinden, 1/32 Hasegawa N1K2-J Shiden-Kai or 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-45...?
Finally got a version of the vichy morane i was looking for, and very reasonable price....$14.50 + $6.50 (AU) postage. Its coming from Sth Aus, should arrive next week.

Looking forward to starting this build, but i also want to make a start in the ship unnofficial GB. never tried to build two things at once. Have the space but will be a challenge time wise

Hopefully one of you guys will drop down to beginner and give me a bit of a tennis lesson in the competition. Competing against myself is a bit embarrassing

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