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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
3 weeks until the start of GB#27: Defense of Britain and the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis. My choice is going to be Academy's TBM-3 in the Atlantic scheme of Dark Gull Gray and Non-Specular(groan) White. Found 3 aircraft so far, just numbers and insignia, easy peasey. If I get this done quickly I may decide to do a second one; Fairey Swordfish Mk.I, serving with 838sqn. at Dartmouth, N.S. Canada. Then again, I may do them in tandem.

Good Lord, that time already? I have a fair number of possibilities for this one but have not settled on a project yet. Gotta finish 2 jets first and at the rate I'm going, I'll never get there.

Like Karl, McKnight's Hurricane is near the top of my list.
Good Lord, that time already? I have a fair number of possibilities for this one but have not settled on a project yet. Gotta finish 2 jets first and at the rate I'm going, I'll never get there.

Like Karl, McKnight's Hurricane is near the top of my list.

Doing mine with black spinner and without the sky tail band, how about you Andy ?
If my hands work, if I get some bl**dy sleep, and if I can finish the Stirling diorama and the two Starfighters, I might attempt to correct the Revell 1/32nd scale Spitfire MkIIa, to finish as one of George 'Grumpy' Unwin's mounts, with 19 Sqn at Fowlmere in September 1940.
Was thinking of coming at this one from the Axis side with a Bf 109E-1 and providing there is no objection. Was thinking of Hermann Graf but he was more involved in the Polish Invasion, then in the training role at the time of the phony war and then moved onto the Eastern Front, so that rules him out.

However, I've found some decals that should do for the aircraft's involvement in the BoB, just need to wait for them to arrive, then we will see.
Never thought about Axis side, got 3 Bf 109 E-4's for my Helmut Wick collection.
Also got a Tiffie and Whirlwind, Spitfire IX, Hurricane II, Fw190 A3 and a Bf 109 E3 !

Going to be a more difficult choice than I first thought.
The start date has come and gone and no-one has jumped into the pool yet. Excerpt of the official subject description follows:

"Aug 1st- Sunday Dec 6th 2015- GB 27-Defense of Britain and the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis.
Defense of Britain from the phony war to the 'D' Day landings in 1944 including Invasion Stripes coupled with the Atlantic War Mid 1940-1943. Opens the door for a host of aircraft, fighters, bombers, dive bombers, ground attack, land based or carrier based as well as Coastal Command aircraft either in search and rescue, ship launched, coastal or convoy defence and float planes."
GOOD. Nobody start. 2 more days in camp, 8hr. drive to Kamloops Wednesday, 8hr. return on Thursday, then we can all start.


Too late! I'm first one in, though it will be slow going til I get my 262 and CF-104 finished.

Many congratulations to Annemarie and yourself Karl, also Happy Birthday Annemarie, hope you had a lovely day.


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