GB 49 Split Build - WW2 Night Fighter / Favourite A/C of WWII

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Andy, if I were you I would check the shape of the nacelle and the spinner by using of a pic with the plane side view in the scale. The drawings may be not too accurate for some reason.
Well, #49 I have found has room for scratch work.
Located drawings for camera bay and mounts!
Woohoo. Thought I was gonna have to do an OOB build........
Not really sure what to do wes with this.
P-70, p-61, bf-110d, fw-190a, bf 109, mosquito, baufighter, p-38, ju 88, and the list goes on, and the list goes on.......
I'm down to some kinda Spitfire: several different marks, from Mk.I to Mk.VIII. I also have a Monogram 1/48 Mosquito than can be converted to an NF.XIII but after I bought the resin nose piece I found there are a few issues with the Monogram kit. I'll have to do a bit more research
Blue 7 was my first 1/48 model i built way back in GB 1 !

Already visited that Karl! I have the Japo book with a lot of the photos already, including Blue 7 and am using that to narrow my choices. I might make my own masks for the numbers using my Cricut if I don't have decals for my ultimate choice.
Hello (again) folks,

It's been a while since I last posted anything at all here but have been visiting on and off to watch the various builds going on.

If it's ok I would like to join in with a subject that covers both topics for GB 49. I have a 1/48 Airfix Boulton Paul Defiant NF I/II. I have always liked the Defiant particularly in the NF role.

Cheers Greg

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