GBs 50 thru 57 - Finalized Schedule

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No. The description clearly says "aircraft model". I dont think the judges have any idea how to judge a car model. It's a slippery slope and we'd have to start allowing aircraft carriers and such.
Aircraft carrier! I think that's great Andy I'll do that! A 1/48 Nimitz class carrier on the cusp of December 7th 1941 about to launch a strike against the Japanese fleet! No one would have thought of it. A WWII F-14A Tomcat. Brilliant Andy, simply brilliant!

Ha ! That was a very cheesy movie though !
Question for Da Judge (s) I have a conversion started (a long time ago in a galaxy far away) of a Monogram B-17G back dating to an F using the Revell F! I've cut the nose from the F and mated it to the G and have not gotten any further. Would that be permissible to enter into the Heavy Hitters, or Zombie? I think I would prefer Heavy Hitters if I wish to go forward but am awaiting your judgement and I know you are far and impartial in you sound and kind judgement, OK a bit over the top!
Stop with the platitudes and just send the usual cash. If the fuselage is already glued together then I'd say the build is too far along for HH but it certainly works for Zombie.
How much and where to send. Not glued together. Each of the two haves for and aft is mated but not together!

Now look what I had to do! I had to move all these to get to this (it was the last place (the bottom of the pile) I looked)!

Here is my progress!
I'd love to see that Academy B-17C/D. I had built one about 20 years or so ago and lavished all my skill and attention to it. It was destroyed during a move. Not by me.
Group build #50 Zombies. Would a kit started a few months back in the "Start to Finish" section that I haven't done much to qualify ?? Also, I notice Group Build #51 "no Propellers" doesn't mention "rotors" are helicopters acceptable ??
Yep, the "start to finish" one qualifies.
As for helicopters, I doubt that would qualify for the "No Props" GB, but let's see what the other judges think.
Yes to the STF Zombie. No to the chopper IMO. The "No props" theme evolved from a myriad of jet proposals and a glider theme if I recall. Helicopters was another one proposed but it didn't make the cut.

Good thing. I hate the f!cking things. Oh did I say that out loud?

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