Geedee's P-51D Cockpit Project

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Terry, Here's something about the progression of the flag design.


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Wow. some very interesting stuff there Glenn, many thanks for digging that out. :thumbright:

The 'flag' I've been using is not an original. its a very flimsy copy by the looks of it...seems to have been printed on one side only and allowing the dye to seep through to the other side. I doubt very much if its even worth £3.00 !.

I now need to start looking for a correct one to replace it, now I know what I'm looking for.
Well....I knew it would happen...too much hassle with the blue colour scheme and the tail number and blah blah blah !

Took the decision to respray my baby and have gone for an Olive Green to replace the blue. This is a more generic color scheme and actually gives me a fair bit of 'Poetic License' in respect of Nose-Art etc. This is her colour scheme for now on.

So, whats planned for the future ? anticipated outing is to Steeple Morden and the 355 Fighter Group open day (finances permitting !) and then to the Officers Mess at Boscombe down for the Annual dinner in memory of 'Sam Mc'Kenna and the ETPS crew

Have some re-structuring work planned (full de-construction of the top layer of skins and lowering of the rear hoop of the windshield by about 2inches !!!. Why ?. At a recent show at Bottisham (Cheers Jason !!) i had the chance to offer up an original '51 Canopy and thats when I found out I had built the windshield with some errors !) before the annual debauche...sorry, Christmas ! more piccies to follow later on.

Stay tooned dudes !!


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Hey guys, thanks for your comments and support, you are the best !
Brilliant work there Gary!.. If you are patterning your cockpit after a particular plane I don't suppose that blue or olive drab would make much difference. it could even be black or checkered.
Been watchinmg this for a while. Agree with all re the green. Do what this guy is doing - and you're done. (N.B. I did try posting it originaly as a PDF but it didn't want to work - any advice gratefully recieved).

Scramble Spitfire Sq.jpg
Been watchinmg this for a while. Agree with all re the green. Do what this guy is doing - and you're done.

Mate, I wish !!. If I was a few years younger and had made at least duplicates of everything I've made to date....

and thanks for your support guys !
Well, a few days ago, I strolled out into the 'Shangar' to do some work (first time in a long while !) and thought she didn't look to be sitting quite right. As part of my 'pre-flight prior to some 'Shangar flying, I found one of the tail wheels had given up the ghost. Ok, it was only flat at the bottom but it wouldn't take any air.

No worries thought I, its about time I changed the undercart to a more substantial set of wheels I'd acquired. Yeh, try doing any mechanical work when your son has swiped all the tools to work on one his cars....Grrrrrrr. Anyroad, end result of an hours work and she's all sitting pretty on her new wheels.

Here's the old set once removed...and the reson why the tyre wouldn't hold air !!

Here's the new set (I'd allready fitted two before I remembered to take some shots using my 'phone.) and they have totally transformed the mobility of my 'Babe

Then, it was time for some 'Shangar flying using the new set of notes I've recently brought. It does prove that I have a long way to go to get really 'comfy' with the start-up procedure, prior to her next offical outing when I'm aiming to let people sit inside for the first time.

And the final shot is my 'to-do list for thext two months. Gonna be very busy !!
Everybody's working on their cockpits, first Tony, then Darryl, and now you Gary. You guys are going to shame me into starting up on my 47 again!
Nice choice with those wheels. You're better off with solid rubber. Holds more weight and no maintenance.

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