German artist poses 1,250 Nazi garden gnomes

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
German artist poses 1,250 Nazi garden gnomes - Yahoo! News

STRAUBING, Germany – A German artist is posing 1,250 garden gnomes with their arms outstretched in the stiff-armed Hitler salute in an installation that he calls a protest of lingering fascist tendencies in German society.

Artist Ottmar Hoerl posed the gnomes in the historic central marketplace of Straubing, a town in southeastern Germany, on Wednesday. The exhibit called "dance with the devil" is to run through Oct. 19.

Most of gnomes are black plastic, but about 20 are painted shiny gold.

Displaying Nazi symbols is illegal in Germany but a court ruled earlier this year that Hoerl's gnomes were clearly satire and thus allowed.

Hoerl says: "the fascist idea, the striving to manipulate people or dictate to people ... is latently dangerous and remains present in our society."


  • cst115.jpg
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Well, my line of thinking is.......This is art??????

This is stupid. People's ideas of art sometimes astound me. Like the guy a few years back that did all the "art" with human feces. AND HE GOT A GRANT TO DO IT!!!!!
I put that in the same category as that "sculpture" of a flagpole leaning at about a 60-degree angle, with people walking up it. Doesn't look like art to me. Looks like a bunch of gnomes that have been mass-produced.
I actually can see this as art, again the comes down to the individual. Certainly a more interesting way of saying what he is saying than some long boring ranting 'lecture' or an obvious piece of art. This is definately an example of postmodernist art and as such its going cop criticism and praise at the same time.

I hate Gnome Nazis, they're worse then Illinois Nazis.

I hate Illinois Nazis too. You know what, we should go to Illinois and break up there little Nazi gang.
Nobody can stop us....WERE ON A MISSION FROM GOD!8)

Now, related to the thread, I guess they can call anything art these days. Man, I miss the days of Impressionism. Money, Gaugin, Van Gogh, Dali. It has to make sense in order for me to call it art.
My analysis...

The artist is delusional, and thinks he is a reincarnated Hitler. Unable to find fascist sentiments in his fellow countrymen, he indoctrinates 4 German department stores worth of garden gnomes. It's art gentlemen, its art...until gnomes get angry.
My analysis...

The artist is delusional, and thinks he is a reincarnated Hitler. Unable to find fascist sentiments in his fellow countrymen, he indoctrinates 4 German department stores worth of garden gnomes. It's art gentlemen, its art...until gnomes get angry.

Why so much hostility towards the artist? Is this just a good chance to belittle someone or genuine hate?
Oh and you can buying saluting gnomes?

While I'm not going to argue art isn't subjective lets not just go on the attack because we don't happen to like or care for it.
I'd sneak into the middle of all the gnomes with a sharpie and draw a little mustasche under one of the gnomes noses, then it could be a game for the kids to play - Where's Adolf?

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