Gnomey's Pictures

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Some Concorde pics (decided I wanted one for my background and it couldn't be an Air France one ). Top one is now my background.


  • Concorde over Bristol.jpg
    274.6 KB · Views: 108
  • Concorde Red Arrows + Lancaster.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 122
  • Concorde Red Arrows.jpg
    63.8 KB · Views: 111
  • F-117 + Red Arrows.jpg
    179.1 KB · Views: 101
I just decided to start from the beginning of your thread and go though all your picture posts and I must admit I loved it, lots of great shots which are well worth a second viewing cheers GN. I think I'll do the same with Eric's thread as well tomorrow.
Here are some pics from Cape Town (and surroundings) and Kruger National Park. These are just a few of the around 800 pictures I took in Cape Town and Kruger.

Cape Town - From Waterfront

Cape Town - From Table Mountain

Chapman's Peak Drive - Sunset

Night Streets in Pretoria (my attempt at night photography)

Elephant Drinking - Kruger

Elephant Drinking - Kruger

Elephant Herd - Kruger

Giraffe Drinking - Kruger

Hawk - Kruger

Kudu Calf - Kruger

Leopard - Kruger

Hyena - Kruger

White Rhino - Kruger


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