Gomix Flymodel Lancaster Bomber

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thanks guys for all of your warm replies, Starting to look like a Lanc, Okay build update for now I will post another this evening starting with the huge wings each wing panel is 23 inch,s long from wing root to the tip. Starting with the left wing panel I first constructed the spar and and ribs for the wing made from heavey card stck like that of light cardboard in pregenated with ACC glue to give it additional strength to support the heavy wing loads.Next I cutted out the landing flaps printed on the left wing panel The flap wells were installed to the upp0er skins of the wing sheeting. Then I folded over the wi8ng skins and cementecd and let dry over night. Next I burnished out the wings to straighten them out over a flat true surface sont want the wig to look like a propeller. no warps cin the wing panel Happy Happy Happy, After all that I constructed the two landing flaps by adding thier wells and ribs then i installed same to the bottom wing. The wings are made to be removable for transportation for moving or going to model shows to save room in the car so the the wing is not glued to the fuselage the two center spars that go through the fuselage are made from balsa. tonight I will build the right wing panel and the flaps then go to the merlin engine nacelles.



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Amazing! I've got to let the guys at the Avro Heritage Centre know about this - they're based at a building on what was BAe Woodford aerodrome, where the factory recently closed, and where Lancs had their final assembly and test flights, just four miles from where I live.
What Wayne said and the speed in which it has gone together, you're a marvel Boats.

Ahoy Vic
thanks sir for your reply I have always been a fast builder I need to slow down but i would be out of character if I did. But the speed makes up for all of the hours I am building the model sometimes i will sit and build 12 to 14 hours a day and other times 4 to 5 hours a time. But I have nothing but time so i my as well use it constructively. thanks Vic I am honored.

The dedication build of the Lanc is progressing very well as you great fellas can see, As of this update the right wing panel and its flaps have been finished and the intire wing assembly is installed to the fuselage the mighty wing span on this is 41 inch,s. As mentioned before tyhe wings slide off the spars so i can transport this thing in case I enter a Beauty contest and hope the Lanc will bring home the blue ribbon, I am letting the wings cure I just shot on a coat of Areo gloss dope nitrate with 20 percent butrate mixed together the skins on the wings are tight. the way i like them working with card and paper needs additional strength where needed to assure handeling the model and give yo something to grab this big beasty is hard to pick up you have to grab it by the leading edges of the wings. Next the out board engine naceels will be constructed and then the inboard and the undercarriage will follow.



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I'm still trying to get my head around the size of this thing. Put some engines, flight control rigging and remote control and this baby could easily fly!!
thanks fellas for your replies I just ran out of glue I got to go to the craft store and buy some more. I started on the outboard engine nacelle and I just ran out of glue Danggggggggggggggg I,ll have a post update tomorrow there is always something to gumb up the works.


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