Gomix Flymodel Lancaster Bomber

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It is truly amazing the way thee kits come together, and your work is superb Boats! Marvellous stuff, and looking forward to more.
Ahoy Fellas
thank you very much from my keel to the foretop. I am honered to have great friends here i myself am enjoying this build a little slow but I have all the time in the world. A lot of fellow modlers who never would have guessed that card models would look this good most feel they are lacking details and to flat looking and wrinkled. but this not true in skilled hands with plenty of patience and a lot of card models under his seabag, can achieve wonderfull results, like anything in life there is a trick of the trade and its not learned over night.

Back to the build The down hill slide on the fuselage is getting near to the end and the massive wings will be next i have a couple more partsd here and there to complete the fuselage. Next is the dorsal turret like that of the nose tuirret the assembly is the same. I will finish the glazeings after i complete the fuselage work. first in view of the dorsal turret you got to be extra carefull in cutting out the windows and only leaving the framework a sharp fresh No.11 exacto is the best remedy in not to tear the paper. After this assembly was cutted out use Acc glue or Cyronide glue on the back of the paper this will turn the paper into light plastic and make things more plyable to handel and to install.there are 22 parts to make up the dorsal turret, the dorsal turret fillet has three pieces to its assembly placeing the top ring on the dorsal turret fillet is simple make certain that the seams are flush when dry i burnished out the seams from cthe inside of the fillet I hate seams they creat a boil on back of my kneck I do make them dissappear like Houdini, next will be Tail gunner charlie then finish up the fuselage.



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thanks again guys for your wonderfull replies I am honered again and again. for todays update is tghe tail turret tail gunner Charlie will have fun with this turret there are 26 parts to this assembly, The turret is assembled the same way as the rest just 4 more parts makes the difference. letting the unit dry over night tomorrow I will finish up the fuselage and monday the fun begins the massive wings I will build the Lanc with her flaps down for added realisym. Thinking about making a ground diorama with 1/33 scale figures maintaining the Lanc before take off. I havbe to popnder on that and see what i can come with. with all the data I got from Terry is most helpfull in detailing the model as best and possible as I can without over doing it. As big as this is it leaves plenty of room for detail. Here is the update of the tail turret assembly.



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Absofrickinglutely amabl**dyzing! You, Boats, have giving me a totally new respect to this models!

Raise a glass of finest old Royal Navy rum to you Sir!
Fuselage is niow completed with the exception of the glazeing of the turrets, this will be done later as to the completiuon of the build. Now its time for the wings this going to be the fun stuff wi9th wings constructed with the landing flaps down will enhance the build, One of these days I will build another gomix Lancaster converting it to the Dam buster 617 squadron. The windshield washers were in stalled pilot tube and other sundries completed the fuselage. thanks fellas for all of your replies Wojteks dedication build is coming together very well.



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'Yaba Daba Doooooooo' amazing and what Jan said!.....................I think thats Swedish for "DAMN!!"
I don't know HOW I missed this build!! I just spent the last hour DROOOOOOOLLLLLING and reading. Boats.........words do no absolutely no justice sir! Your patience and attention to detail, not to mention the TALENT that it takes to do this. You sir, are in a class all your own! :notworthy: :cool: :notworthy:

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