Gomix Flymodel Lancaster Bomber

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Holy snikeys, I was not thinking it would be that detailed, let alone with actual glazing! I was envisioning white or blue paper to simulate the actual perspex. I'm amazed yet again! Wow Boats. Way cool! :cool:
Ahoy Fellas
thanks guys for your always wonderfull replies on my Lanc, As to the update for the night I have constructed and installed the canopy and the nose turret fairing and blister. The nose turret fairing and blister has been cutted out formed and installed. Next I cutted out the canopy cutting out all of the windows out leaving only the frame work before the frame was installoed to the fuselage unit I painted the inside gray green to match the interier color of the printing very close to the color match up. Taking clear packing tape doubled sided was appilied over the canopy sections and the the canopy unit was cutted out without fear of destroying the canopy the packing tape makes it strong so no worry or fuss. useing Testor or revell plastic glue the canoipy unit was glued on to the fuselage the plastic packing tape and the glue get along like beer and nuts. Next the dorsal turret will be constructed and proceed aft until the fuselage unit is done. Here is the update for the night letting the unit dry for the night.



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Straight up. I have to confess to being a bit prejudiced. I though " card model made of paper how cheesy can this be ?" Especially having never seen one. How wrong was I ! First off I'm amazed at the quality and detail of the kit. Second, I'm blown away by the work your doing. Clearly this requires a lot of patience and skill both of which you seem to have mastered. I can't wait to see the finished product, I flipped when I saw the completed bomb bay !!!! Excellent work !!!
You have always done the neatest kits Chief, I have admired your work for the past year and never seen any body come quite close to your style......Gunz

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