GPM B-29 Superfortress 1/33 scale

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Thanks everyone for your always wonderfull replies its wonderfull to have a great host of friends around the globe and across the pond you fellas are the greatist...... Okay chaps the build update for today is the engine nacelles. I already constructed and installed the two port engine nacelles on the wing, tomorrow i will finish up the other two nacelles after that i will go back on the model and give it a good tune up and look for imperfections and get rid of them................. The engine nacelles are constructed like that of the fuselage nothing more then formers and skins I added some aluminum paneling onthe nacelles I have a couple more panels to on the nacelles i will do that in the morning... As quoted from our Bill you have to knock down the house to get it outside it already knocked off a bottle of Beer and it busted on the deck knocked off a couple of my card planes they didn,t break thats the benefit of card model kits they dont break that easy if this kit was plastic and it hit the deck you would have a mess and you have to redo your work over again been there and done that.. I should have this behemouth done by this saturday once the nacelles are completed its a down hill slide. Here are the build report for the day..



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I don't know what is more intimidating... a model so big it can kill a beer? Or a paper model so big its not afraid to sit atop a kerosene heater!?!!?!
Ahoy Fellows
thanks very much for your replies guys your the best Vic she will sit on her landing gear thats whats coming up next after i finisge up on the nacelles and touch up on the B-29............. Dont fellas its a electric heater I am still steamjed over the Beer getting knocked down It was my last Beer and i had one swig out of it before it crashed and burned............................ I went to the store anyway abd bought a 12 pack of Jimmy Buffet Beer Islander.. Okay fellas back to the build I constructed and installed the right inboard engine nacelle assembly one more to go and I will give the ship a good burnishing and some tune up work every time i look at the b-29 i see a flawe I missed and corect the same only my eyes see it i am my own worst critic I see something wrong i corect it on the fly.when everything is all squared away i will start on the landing gear assemblies and save the propsw and engine last if the good lord is willing and the rivers dont rise i will have the superfortress done by late as this Sunday, Then i will go to another build. No more Huge builds like this likje what Bil;l had said you have to knock down the house to get it outside lets hope not, Okay fellas here is the update for the night more tomorrow I threw in my collecdtions as a Bonus they sure can use air traffic control.



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thanks tigerdriver for your reply I agree with all that crowded airspace i need an annex, Okay fellas I have all four engine nacelles attached and paneled off clooks like a B-29 for certain no mistake about it, next I will go over and check the build out and do a little touch up here and there everytime i look at the buil;d it needs something to be squared away, I done a little last night after i finished up the nacelles......... after the touch up i will add the landing gear and tyres, lastly will be the engine cylinders props and a couple other parts and the fat boy atomic bomb and she will be hung up in the crowded skies of my man cave here are the update shots.



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I'm trying to visualise the size of this thing against the ships in the background……………………………………………….but I gave up.
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So boats what's the story with the foil? You going to fill in the gaps?

Ahoy Matt
The aluminum foil I am useing is to represent panerling the seams are pretty well burnished out I make good certain that there are no gaps The uluminum is for the polished panels, effective but no cigar.

Ahoy Fellows
Thanks for all of your replies the Superfortress is almost done i should have her done tomorrow, The landing gear added is nothing more then rolled tubeing reinforced with cloths hanger wire makeing the landing gear units very strong to support the weight of the model. although she is a beast of a model she dont weigh that much................ All is left to the build is the props little boy bomb and the tyres and she is ready for the yild blue yonder. When i get her finished i will start another build here is the update for the night.



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