Thanks again!
Not much photo ops lately, my BMW has been taking up alot of my time...seems like there's no competant shops up here that know how to smog test it without ruining the tuning (and it fails the test every time) and then I have to go through the motions of getting it back into tune...this is an expensive and soul draining ritual I have to go through every two years...
And in the end, they find that it's burning cleaner than average for an un-rebuilt engine of over 100,000 miles. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not an alcoholic after going through all this crap!
Anyway, I spotted a Bluejay sunning on the tip of a Fir tree this morning, thought I'd grab a few shots. I noticed it was about ready to take flight, and caught it just as it took off. Even though it was a bit soon (I wanted to catch it with it's wings just opening) it's still kind of a cool shot, I think!