GrauGeist's Photos

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I'm not trying to sell myself short, I just see the quality of your shots and compare them to mine and there is a large difference to me. the sharpness and the way for instance that the clouds show up in your sunset shot just blow me away. I guess with more practice I will get there and that is what I'm striving to accomplish. It's why I go out when ever I can and shoot but I don't always push myself to expand my knowledge like I should, I more often than not just go out and have fun with it. But to a degree that is important also. It's just that I see a lot more definition and clarity in your shots than I do mine and that is what I like about you photos. :thumbright: :)
Alright, I'll admit I've been slacking lately, I know! :lol:

I haven't really been taking as many photos as I want to, but I have been able to grab a few here and there...I have been trying to keep up a regular photo posting to my album at facebook...but even that's been a little spotty lately.

Anyway, here's a few I think everyone may like.



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These are magnificent shots Dave, I particularly like the dragon fly and the way you can see through its wings and backtracking to the earlier post when I was away wandering this earth, the lavender is brilliant. You have the eye mate and I love seeing other peoples pictures, so please keep sharing.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Well, I was hoping to post some aircraft I shot over the Father's Day weekend (June 20), but I've been so busy with stuff at home and at work plus the computer that I use to transfer my photos is down, so I haven't been able to get 'em over here.

What I will do though, is post some more recent ones (sadly, no aircraft) that I think everyone will enjoy.

Img 1: Buildings on the main street - Town of Old Shasta, California
Img 2: The old Courthouse (now museum), which is also the site of one of the last public hangings in the state of California - Town of Old Shasta, California
Img 3: Caught a Seagull doing a "hot pass" while on Agate Beach at Patrick's Point
Img 4: A Seagull passes below me while I was on the cliffs at Palmer's Point
Img 5: The old Battery Point Lighthouse (aka Cresent City Light Station) is supposed to be haunted, too - Cresent City, California
Img 6: Old Barn near McKinleyville, California
Img 7: Old Barn near Orick, California
Img 8: Old Barn near Arcata, California
Img 9: Abandoned buildings (part of an abandoned town) near Mad River Beach, California
Img 10: Old Dairy farm near Arcata, California
Img 11: Joss House (Chinese Temple) - Weaverville, California


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I love those old buildings.
Nice shots GG!

What is that Chinese house BTW?
It looks like a sort of temple.

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