True. The B-1 and the Blackjack were Nuke bombers, go in low and get out at warp 9. The BUFF is an angel of death. In 'Nam the VC and the NVA hated Arc Light misssions because they flew so high that they never heard the bombers, they only heard the bombs. Also a BUFF is a Boeing product, its hard to kill. In the 1st Gulf War a BUFF got hit several hundred times, lost 3 engines and still flew back all the way to Diego Garcia. By the time it landed the BUFF was on its last legs and on fire. In retrospect (even to the crew now) it was like watching Key Stone cops getting out of thier Dusenberg. Still, according to the book its impossible for a human to go out the cockpit windows and the pilot did it.
But I digress, the B-1 and especially the Blackjack are not as versitile as the BUFF.