Greetings All from Northeastern USA, I just got back into flying and been playing "aces high" I seen this website had ww2 flight manuals and I wanted to read some. I made an account but it still wont let me access the right page. could anyone help me figure out why or if I need to make more posts.. Thanks all again for the help! if this is in the wrong place could a mod please move. sorry and thank you again !
Some of my favorite WW2 birds are the 109k4, corsair, zero. Also into models, I only built a few gundams but I hope to get some star trek models and a few warbirds. I look forward to reading up on some good information here. only flew on airliners, never got to pilot anything even though I hope to someday go to flightschool.
Some of my favorite WW2 birds are the 109k4, corsair, zero. Also into models, I only built a few gundams but I hope to get some star trek models and a few warbirds. I look forward to reading up on some good information here. only flew on airliners, never got to pilot anything even though I hope to someday go to flightschool.
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