Grumpy Old Men

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
What do you think? Is this forum made up of grumpy old men, sitting on the porch, armed with shotguns, telling kids to keep off the lawn or happy optimists too happy to report their joy.


Isn't it sad that this generation is going to have Justin Beiber as their Ozzy or Robert Plant or Freddie Mercury? :(
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My lawn and my neighbor's to the west is a right good size hunk of turf. It seems all the neighborhood kids think this is their football field. Dave isn't home when they're playing, but I am. I just ask them to be mindful of the plants, trees and windows. Hell.... I was a kid once !!

Now Charles... that.... is Not in keeping with our age bracket.
Offer them cookies, laced with ex-lax or sompthin, I think my grandfather did that once for Halloween.....?
He wasn't grumpy, just full blooded Irish.
I'm not grumpy, just complex.
I come from pure German stock raised in the bitter cold of the north. We tend to be somewhat sharp in response, not necessarily because we are a$$holes, but direct and to the point.
I am lucky that I also have a wry humor, (Thanks Rowan Atkinson and John Cleese!) so on occasion I can blunt my manner with wit.
Me too, GG!!! That shiite stings like F***en 'ell!!!

I am lucky that I also have a wry humor, (Thanks Rowan Atkinson and John Cleese!) so on occasion I can blunt my manner with wit.

Two comic genius minds that few people understand!

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