Had to put my girl down

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Heres a little bit of cheer for you, these two just turned 2 Years old, they dig holes, eat my furniture, eat my fences, eat my gardens, eat my shoes, and want to be everybody's friend, but i wouldnt swap em for anything.

We lost a family member tonight. My girlfriend's beautiful 35 year old Arab mare, Kismet, colicked and had to be put down. Kismet was an unforgettable character. Thirty plus years ago, Kathleen and I both worked in the maintenance shop at the commuter airline, and one day she invited me over to her cabin in the woods for a cup of coffee. We were sitting there over coffee and munchies when I heard a "clop clop", the door opened, and this gorgeous 14 hand chestnut mare saunters in, opens the refrigerator, helps herself to a carrot, briefly rests her chin on Kathleen's head, then wanders outside. My jaw hit the table. Kathleen laughed and said: "Meet Kismet."
And now she's gone, leaving an aching hole in our lives. It's like losing a child. Tears keep coming back. Torch, brother, I know how you feel.
RIP, Kismet, gallant lass.


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It sounds like Kismet had a wonderful life and that she was a character, and getting to 35 is great age for her. Did she have any foals ? My condolences.
Wes, my condolences as well, 35YO is amazing. We always had several horses growing up but never kept any for long except my 1/2 Morgan-1/2 quarter horse gelding Comanche. Had to sell him when I left for school
Thanks, guys, we appreciate the support, and I'm sure Kismet is listening from on high and can feel the love.
No, Mungo, she died a maiden mare. With two airline careers in the family there just wasn't time, resources, or energy for the whole breeding and foaling ordeal. Too bad, she would have thrown beautiful foals.
Kathleen went to a yard sale looking for a desser and found this exquisite little two week old foal waiting for the knackers to come get her. It was a bank foreclosure/eviction and Kiz's mom had papers, so the bank took her away for a brood mare. The eviction victims hadn't been able to pay the pedigree breeding fee, and even though her sire had papers, Kiz didn't, so the bank took Mom away and called the dog food people to take the foal. Kathleen got there first. And she never did get the dresser she was looking for. Lots of us have housecats; not so many have househorses. Arabs - built to last!
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Sorry for your loss, Wish I trained my dog to open the fridge and grab a cold one for me. They are like family......
No words can take away the pain of losing the most loyal friend a human can have. Unconditional love is what they give, 24/7 and they give far more than we deserve. I dread the day that I know waits for me and I feel true sorrow for your pain in the passing of your four legged friend.

Sad news . I am sorry to hear about this. Makes me think a lot about my little mate. He basically is everywhere I am and great company to be honest.
My Stella had some seizures come over her with out warning, had an MRI done on the 24th and they found a brain tumor, never let her come out of anesthesia. It's unbelievable how much we miss her already.R.I.P. girl
I had a dog who had neurological symptoms that appeared to be suggestive of a brain-tumor. She died in 2006 (she was born in 1990)

Sorry about the loss of your pet. They make better companions than many people I know :p

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