Hanger Makeover

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Over the last couple of month I've done a bit of shuffling about in the hanger. I decided that my completed models on the shelves were looking somewhat tatty, needing a cleanup, some minor repairs and better protection.

The upshot is that I now have glass display cabinets a new storage bench and as some of you will comment, a very tidy hobby room. All I've got to do now is get back in there and start building.

Very impressive stuff there mate. Liking the variety too. Those glass shelves are great, you can see all the detail. Tell me that stack of kits are not unmade...
I saw a tank kit at the bottom of that stash.. A perfect candidate for a sacrifice to the model gods if you ask me.

I like the glass display and name tags, nice collection!
Where did you get those cases?? Mine has glass doors but is wood framed. Yours look beautiful and allows the gazer to see the models. awesome!
+1 would love to buy those cabinets too

If they are your custom work, put me down for an order with this order you may start a highly successful company, Vikea (heheh see what I did here ) specializing in excellent cabinetry and easy to understand instructions vs what we have now, the complete opposite of these other companies ! !
Damn me guys, I've been so tied up with getting back into modelling that I have completely ignored this thread. I do apologise and many, many thanks for all you're kind words

Your hangAr is shaping up real nice Vic.
But do you have as much shelf space as before??????

Bill, by my reckoning and some very strategic placing I should be able to get all the completed kits into these cabinets with the big boys on top. That assuming the stash remains static, but I confess to having added a 1/350 USS Indianapolis and a 1/32 A-7E Corsair II to the since then.

Very impressive stuff there mate. Liking the variety too. Those glass shelves are great, you can see all the detail. Tell me that stack of kits are not unmade...

That's just about half the stack, the real big boys are stuck in the wardrobe or under furniture.

I saw a tank kit at the bottom of that stash.. A perfect candidate for a sacrifice to the model gods if you ask me.
I like the glass display and name tags, nice collection!

You caught me out Cory………But then again, one doesn't want to become totally typecast………………….

Where did you get those cases?? Mine has glass doors but is wood framed. Yours look beautiful and allows the gazer to see the models. awesome!

I give it 3 days.....

I do like those cabinets Vic and, like Chris. am curious where you got them.

Chris, Andy, Igor.
There not cheap boys but I picked them up through a shop supply outlet and got them to chuck in (at a cost of course) a couple of extra shelves for each cabinet. Anyway, to give you an idea, here is the link:


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