Happy Birthday Les'Bride.

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My post didn't take yesterday;( Happe belated Birthday.

I may be a little slow, or mybe just unedumacated, but what's the deal with the Herring references?
Ah, a reference to the Monty Python Fish Slapping routine no doubt. Wonder if one needs a special permit to carry a concealed Herring for defensive purposes?
Hopefully the wine wore off and the day after your Birthday is treating you well.
GUYS..WOW with all the birthday wishes. Thank you ALL!! From this year on, I am counting backwards. AND I'm never drinking again, again..well, not today anyway. I'd hate to think of myself as a quitter. :-\

YES, I am the swinger of the herring!!
Ah, a reference to the Monty Python Fish Slapping routine no doubt. Wonder if one needs a special permit to carry a concealed Herring for defensive purposes?
Hopefully the wine wore off and the day after your Birthday is treating you well.

Yes, its called a Fish License.

(for her pet fish named Eric.)

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