Heinkel He 70 G-1 “Blitz” 1/72nd Revell ex Matchbox

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A few Wayne, but very minor, A couple of scratches from all the filling and filing that I missed, and 2 or 3 dust specks that landed in the paint before it was dry, but fortunately the Floquil drys pretty fast.

I'm going to try something new next due to all the decals. I usually apply decals over NMF in a pool of Future, than clean up the surface with Windex. I've found it's the best way to make the carrier film disappear with out having to over spray the silver with a clear coat, but it's not perfect. This time the black nose and stripe is part decal and part paint, plus the codes have a very large amount of carrier film, so this time I'm going to clear coat the whole thing with Future, apply the decals, paint the nose, seal with Future, then finish with Dullcote. It's really going to cut down on the shinnyness of the NMF, but in this small scale I think it'll be Ok.
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To my relief two coats of Future didn't seem to effect the look of the finish too much, so I started in on the decals and finished them after working on and off on them all day. The fit was pretty good, but I would suggest that anyone doing this kit use Solvaset. Nothing else seemed to have any effect on them and even with Solveset it took a lot of time and multiple applications before they started to soften.
I still have to paint the nose black, and touch up the tail stripes and around the windows.

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Hi Glenn, beautiful model of a beautiful aircraft. I built this once as a youngster; didn't look any where near as good as yours. Just one thing. The He 70's wings were wooden; highly polished plywood, so their finish would have been smooth and of a uniform colour. I doubt Matchbox were entirely accurate when producing the panel lines in the original kit.
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I wasn't aware that the wings were skinned with plywood although I was aware that the entire airframe was made as aerodynamically smooth as possible by using putty on the joints and painting it silver. Painting the whole thing one color of silver as the original would have made it look like a toy in this scale, so I chose to very the shading of the panels to give it some variation. I believe the panel lines are pretty close to correct though as they match several profiles I have seen of the aircraft.
Your effect is very dramatic and does look good. As for "Painting the whole thing one color of silver as the original would have made it look like a toy in this scale" - surely it would be more accurate though? As for profile accuracy, this depends on who drew the profiles, I have seen at least four different variations in different publications on the He 70! The wings weren't just skinned with plywood, the entire wing structure was wood, as was the tailplane.

You model will look terrific regardless.
My intention was never to make a 100% accurate model of the real thing once I had opened the box. For instance the cockpit on the real thing was offset to the left and on the model its centered. I bought this kit for about 8 bucks because I thought it might look nice next to a He 111 airliner I had. I started it years ago and got fed up with the terrible wing/fuselage joint and put it away. I picked it up again now mainly as a challenge to myself to see if I could make that ugly joint disappear enough to take a nice NMF. I never have gotten started on that 111, but if I do it'll have a place on the shelf next to this one.

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