Hey Everyone

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Hello everyone, the name's Locke, and I'm currently enrolled in the University of Alberta, in my second year. WWII aviation has been a passion of mine for many years now (well in reality more like four or five, but it feels longer) and just sort of realized that I really should have looked for an online forum for my interest a long time ago!

I focus mainly on the Luftwaffe, and simply adore the Focke-Wulf 190, especially the Dora variants. My Grandfather lived through WWII as a small lad in England, and his interest in the Luftwaffe is really what got me going. I own a number of books on the subject, but my most prized is a copy of Adolf Galland's "The First and the Last", and he's a bit of a hero to me =P

Anyways, I hope to find some other like-minded individuals here and really sink my teeth into some good debates xD
Hi Locke
welcome aboard
Whereabouts in Alberta is the Univ of Alberta?
What are you studying?

How easy is it to get involved in that Lancaster restoration in Cow Town?
Hi Locke
welcome aboard
Whereabouts in Alberta is the Univ of Alberta?
What are you studying?

How easy is it to get involved in that Lancaster restoration in Cow Town?
U of A is located in Edmonton, and I'm studying Political Science and History. I'm taking a pretty awesome WWII history class this semester actually, which is another reason for joining up, in order to get some mroe material perhaps for my final paper ^_^

To be honest I haven't heard about the Lancaster restoration in Calgary :S probably because bombers and allied aircraft aren't really my thing =P
Hi Locke from down the road in Calgary. I guess I'm outnumbered now since you and Cory (Catch 22) are both from that other place in Alberta, what's it called again, you know, where that miserable excuse for a hockey team exists....Ed..Edmon.....Oh Yeah! Edmonton, yeah that's it!

Seriously, welcome to the site. Looks like you'll fit right in.

BTW, for you and Colin, there are two Lancs in or near Calgary that I know about. One is in the Lancaster museum in Nanton, about a 45 minute drive south of me Nanton Lancaster Society Air Museum and there's one located near the Calgary airport Aero Space Museum. The latter is just getting a new paint job, I believe, having been stored outside for God knows how long and looking quite the mess for a while. The Nanton one is a more complete example, with two working Merlins with the third slated to run this year, IIRC. I'm serioulsy considering getting invovled in the work down there.

G'day Locke, you've picked the best place and welcome to the forum.

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