Lieutenant General
from Iran's newest warplane something from 'GI Joe?' – This Just In - Blogs
First it was monkeys in space (or not) and now it's "GI Joe" fighter jets. Not the best of times for Iran's aviation and aerospace programs, at least if you listen to the skeptics.
First there were doubts about Tehran's claim it sent a monkey into space in late January. After photos of two different monkeys that were aboard the alleged one-monkey space shot surfaced, Iran media said there was a photo mix-up and, yes, there was just one Iranian monkey in space.
Then this week Iran unveiled what it said was its new high-tech stealth fighter plane. The jet shown in pictures on the website of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been the butt of jokes all week from aviation bloggers.
"This aircraft looks a lot like an old GI Joe toy," wrote one blogger.
And from another, "This has to be a joke, right?"
More pics: - Ceremony to unveil the domestically made fighter
First it was monkeys in space (or not) and now it's "GI Joe" fighter jets. Not the best of times for Iran's aviation and aerospace programs, at least if you listen to the skeptics.
First there were doubts about Tehran's claim it sent a monkey into space in late January. After photos of two different monkeys that were aboard the alleged one-monkey space shot surfaced, Iran media said there was a photo mix-up and, yes, there was just one Iranian monkey in space.
Then this week Iran unveiled what it said was its new high-tech stealth fighter plane. The jet shown in pictures on the website of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been the butt of jokes all week from aviation bloggers.
"This aircraft looks a lot like an old GI Joe toy," wrote one blogger.
And from another, "This has to be a joke, right?"
More pics: - Ceremony to unveil the domestically made fighter