Ki-67 Hiryu -''Peggy'' (1/48 Sanger kit)

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I've just spent the afternoon glaring on this kit as I grabbed it from my stash...
I'm gonna keep a close eye on this one. There is gonna be a lot of work.
I think there is quiet a good review on the subject on Hyperscale.
The wing certainly needs attention and the clear parts of the nose and tail might need to be reworked.
The "Peggy" is an ex-contrail kit. Compared to a true Sanger kit there is quiet a difference in detail.

The maru mechanic is gonna be a great help.

At the moment I'm in the end phase of my struggle with a "vac wings 48" B6N.
The "Peggy" is an ex-contrail kit. Compared to a true Sanger kit there is quiet a difference in detail.
You mean it's even worse?.. Every time I look at the ''kit'' the more I feel like going on to my next Ki-48 Sokei build...
You mean it's even worse?.. Every time I look at the ''kit'' the more I feel like going on to my next Ki-48 Sokei build...

No, it's not worse.Generaly the outlines are quiete good on the Contrail Kits, which are now sold under the Sanger brand.
I just compared the Ki-67 to my Mitsubishi Sally (which is a Sanger kit) and the Sally has white metal engines and an interiour, where the Ki-67 does not hes these items.
Also the pannel lining on the Ki-67 is less subtle then on the Sally.

Though, both kits will require some serious modelling skills imho. I'm figuring out which one to build (Got the Ki-67, the Sally and a Hellen in a trade years ago)
I'm a bit "scared" to start any of the above mentioned kits.
Though on the other hand, Thereis no alternative if you want to build any of the larger IJN or IJA bombers in the 1/48th scale (apart from Tamiya's Betty)

Though they are not as bad as a Combat Models kit by far. (So far the only kit I ever gave up on)
The more I look over this Kit's contents, the more clear it becomes one should have to get a 1/72 Hasegawa Kit of this given aircraft type.
The Hasegawa kit would be a great source/help in constructing the Sanger/Contrail Ki-67. To fill in the blanks, give some idea of how to get on with the 1/48 kit, etc...

So far I've concluded that the Sanger Ki-67 has some inaccuracies that need to be dealth with in order to get a nice representation of an actual Ki-67.


-Interiour has to be completely scratchbuild. (not much of the kits parts are accurate/usable)
-Transparencies must be made. Given the way Sanger/contrail made these parts, there will be a seam line visible where no seam should be in these transparencies.
-Landing gear must be strenghtened and reworked.
-Engine nacelles could use some detail. + cooling fans (simelar to these found on the Fw-190 A) should be made or scrouged from the spares box.
The actual engine is not visible behind these (same as Fw-190 A)
-Fuselage needs to be scribed. No panel lines are there. (Not a bad thing, as the pannel lining on the wings is pretty much overdone and reminds on old Matchbox offerings)


-Outline seams pretty accurate.
-All the necesarry parts are there (well most on the exterior)
-It's the only game in town if you wanna do a 1/48 Ki-47
-With the right reference material it can be converted to a Ki-109 interceptor. Which would require far less interior to be made.
+ dealing with the transparencies should also be easier (if you build a series Ki-109 instead of the prototypes)
-There is quiet a good amounth of reference material at hand.
- + "If you manage to pull this one off, you can regard yourself a "Master Model Builder" And you will be worshipped by your fellow modellers for eternity!!!

Not seeking worship, but I started a topic on my build of this kit here;
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Hi ohm-men!
I'd like to thank you for your tips and the detailed review too. It will be a really challenging attempt. However, at the moment I am trying not to think of it. The Akagi bridge structure calls for heavy load of work for at least the next three months!
Thanks again,

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