Labor Day weekend trip to the Air Zoo

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Labor Day weekend I was in the Kalamazoo area and spent a day at the Kalamazoo Air Zoo and took over 300 Pictures. I'll post some little by little as I find time to go through them weeding out the bad ones and resizing. Some aren't of the best quality as one of the buildings was very dark and I didn't have a tripod with me.

First up:
Hispano HA 1112 Buchon

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Great pics Glenn, thanks. I see it's still got the BoB movie spinner and dummy guns on the cowling, but has been re-fitted with the wing fences and original cannon installation. Another one for my 'Then and Now' file !
Nice Glenn. Museum lighting is always tough to shoot in.
The second museum building was better lit and those pictures are better. I just wish I had thought to take my tripod along!
Very nice. Just in the pics you posted I saw several others I'd like to see, like the V-1 and the P-47.
In answer to your request

V-1 and P-47

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Fantastic set of pics Glenn. That looks a brilliant the murals on the walls behind the A/C (keep dropping hints to SWMBO that I'd like a full size '51 painted on one of the living room walls....but the look I get back hints that this might not be a good idea !).

Keep 'em coming.
I had a similar thing happen at the time when my Jug cockpit was just going to be a panel and I wanted to mount it on a wall in the house somewhere. The idea didn't go over too well.

Next up:

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Thanks T Bolt, that looks like a fantastic museum. This is the museum with the solid-nose B-25 J painted up as a falcon from the 498th BS, right? If so, did you get any shots of that? Would love to see them!

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