Lindberg Grumman Goose 1/48

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
Here is another build I am going to start prabally start this evening, Making a decission on how to model this on perhaps Cuttlers Goose of the tales of the Golden Monkey or Catalina transport plane, any suggestions will be Honored. This kit is the old ITC releaes I had one of these kits in yerars past, My memory serves me right it had a motor that rotated the two pros via rubber band wing came off to service the batteries. As I looked at the kit it hasnet changed only thing missin is the motor battery conectors rubberband and the color of the plastic which was Red.The Landing gear needs to be replaced and redone to scale. A fun build here is some pix of the kit.



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Can't remember the Golden Monkey thing, but remember Fantasy Island - think there was a Goose in that show, with the little guy calling out "The plane, the plane" ?!
Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out Boats.
I think it was "Tales of the Brass Monkey" and starred Stephen Collins as an Indiana Jones-like character, but my memory could be bad. Anyway, great idea for a build Boats. Love It!
Ahoy fellas
thanks for your replies I will start the build in the morning i made the decission on the build it will be Cuttlers Goose of the Tales of the golden monkey I have the reference material in hand to do the job. Jake Cuttlers gooosew is all white with red trim a easy color schedule and build. I will po9st a couple pictures tomorrow for the update build report spent some time today on the reference material.

Cool, heres a reference pic of Cutters Goose from the last years SA Model Expo


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Okay fellas another honey dfo list i just finished up on now its time for cuttlers goose. The photos below show where I am removing the existing battery compartment top make rooom for interier detail, the arrows show where the plastic surgury is going to be the tail wheel location is being cut off flush with the fuselage not very much pieces to the kit looks like a fast build but i will try to slow down.



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Old boats is back I had to take care of a few things, Now its all over it6s time for the build, after reviewing the kit it brings back memories as a gimic model of the niffty fifties this kit was one of them ITC had a slew of these motorized kits they wewre a must for the day of boyhood modeling at its best. The kit in todays standards is a bare bones shell of a kit and a lot is desired, but beggers cant be chossey leaves me with one option the kit needs doctoring and plastic surgury. Starting with the fuselage I removed the rudder I will replace the rudder in a later assembly the rudder in general is not correct, quite undersized. so I removed the rudder, the battery compartment which housed two penlite batteries was removed no need for it the fuselage was all cleaned up from the insides ready for bulkheads and flooring. Starting at the cockpit pilots compartment useinf card stock material and light cardboard I made the cockpit floor and same was done on the passenger flooring. The pilots seat was note acurate so i made a new one from cardstock. Floor ribbingsw were also made i have a lot of work on the detailing before proceeding any further. Here is the update I wqill post more this evening.



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Thanks guys for all of your imput I am always honored to you great fellas, as to the update i have the radio compartment constructed useing again cardfstock, I fashioned all of the four seats I primed the interier adding more details as I go along I have a few more before I starting the filling in the imperfections and adding the top wing as a complete sub assembly. The kit is acient by comparison of the two other companys that made this kit in 1/48 but with some doctoring it can be done to match up with the other two manufactures close but no cigar. Going back in second thoughts IO should have selected a better kit then this but I didn,t know. Main thing I am a happy camper as to the build of this ancient relic kit of the past. Here are the updates pictures I will post a couple more this evening.



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