Staff Sergeant
Here is another build I am going to start prabally start this evening, Making a decission on how to model this on perhaps Cuttlers Goose of the tales of the Golden Monkey or Catalina transport plane, any suggestions will be Honored. This kit is the old ITC releaes I had one of these kits in yerars past, My memory serves me right it had a motor that rotated the two pros via rubber band wing came off to service the batteries. As I looked at the kit it hasnet changed only thing missin is the motor battery conectors rubberband and the color of the plastic which was Red.The Landing gear needs to be replaced and redone to scale. A fun build here is some pix of the kit.

Here is another build I am going to start prabally start this evening, Making a decission on how to model this on perhaps Cuttlers Goose of the tales of the Golden Monkey or Catalina transport plane, any suggestions will be Honored. This kit is the old ITC releaes I had one of these kits in yerars past, My memory serves me right it had a motor that rotated the two pros via rubber band wing came off to service the batteries. As I looked at the kit it hasnet changed only thing missin is the motor battery conectors rubberband and the color of the plastic which was Red.The Landing gear needs to be replaced and redone to scale. A fun build here is some pix of the kit.