Thanks for your replies gents. I will not make any comments on the right or wrong road anymore, apart from the fact that right isn't called right for nothing
As promised, some more pics of London. I will post some of Hendon later.
The first one is special for me, Oranjehaven. Had heard much about it and it happened to be around the corner from where I was staying.
Just playing with my new wide-angle lens:
The Tower of London is still a very impressive castle. We don't have them like this in my country anymore. The yall are ruins now.
Towerbridge. Last time I was in London, I entered it. This time, my father in law didn't want to go in, so we didn't.
The entrance to the Imperial War Museum, quite impressive. Will have some photos of the interior later
Famous view I would say, houses of Parliament
These grey squirrels have replaced the native red ones ufortunately But they're still quite, although not very shy.
Statue in front of Buckingham Palace