Men forgets wife at parkinglot

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Sep 19, 2006
AMSTERDAM - Een Nederlandse man heeft zijn vrouw langs de snelweg in Duitsland laten staan.

De 35-jarige man reed met zijn gezin van Polen naar Nederland en hield een plaspauze bij een parkeerplaats bij Gelsenkirchen. Toen hij wegreed vergat hij zijn vrouw, zo melden Duitse media.

Na veertig kilometer vroeg de 10-jarige dochter van het stel aan haar vader waar haar moeder was. De man keerde terug naar de parkeerplaats, maar daar was de vrouw niet meer. Zij was bij landgenoten in de auto gestapt die haar een lift gaven naar Oss.

Haar echtgenoot waarschuwde de politie, maar een zoektocht bleek onnodig. De man beloofde de politie voortaan beter op zijn vrouw te passen.

bron: | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op
AMSTERDAM - A Dutch husband left his wife behind at the highway in Germany

The 35 year old man was driving from Poland to The Netherlands with his family and had a break at a parking near Gelsenkirchen. When he drove away, he forgot his wife, the German media reports.

After 40 kilometres, the 10-year old daughter of the couples asked where her mother was. The man returned to the parking, but the woman was no longer there. She stepped into another Dutch car that brought her to Oss.

Her husband warned the police, but the search was not necessary. The man promised the police to better look after his wife.

source: | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op

That's nothing... when my wife's water broke and delivery of our first was imminent. I leaped into the car with our pre-packed hospital gear and backed out of the driveway looking over my shoulder rearward to make sure we didn't hit anything on the way out. Once pointed in the right direction, I happened to look toward our house and there standing in the driveway I saw my spouse with a somewhat puzzled look on her face as if to say "where the h*ll do you think you're going in such a hurry!" I was an instant away from hurtling to the hospital to deliver our child without her. Needless to say we laughed about it for many years after.
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Somehow Oldcrow, I really don't think there is going to be much laughing going on where this guy is concerned.:lol: Yours is understandable. His on the other hand. I mean, what kind of excuse is he going to come up with, "I forgot." I don't think so.:lol:
:oops:About 15 years ago or so, while on a motorcycle ride, a friend and his wife stopped for gas, he filled the tank while she went to the restroom. After filling the tank he started the bike and drove off. About an hour or so, he noticed, she was not behind him. Needless to say.....:oops:
That's nothing... when my wife's water broke and delivery of our first was imminent. I leaped into the car with our pre-packed hospital gear and backed out of the driveway looking over my shoulder rearward to make sure we didn't hit anything on the way out. Once pointed in the right direction, I happened to look toward our house and there standing in the driveway I saw my spouse with a somewhat puzzled look on her face as if to say "where the h*ll do you think you're going in such a hurry!" I was an instant away from hurtling to the hospital to deliver our child without her. Needless to say we laughed about it for many years after.

Oops, he is f*cked...

Almost as good as this:

I was the oldest, by 9 friggin years, of 6.
Out with my mother shopping we packed the car and left for home.
Tokk about 20 min to discover one of Them was Not in the car.
He stuck pretty close to my mother from then on.


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