Moral Delimma...

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas
AMC is running "The Godfather" trilogy marathon this weekend.....but Spike is running "Band of Brothers". Which one to watch first:?::?::?:
Heh. Went to the in-laws for Thanksgiving, got trumped on both ("not kid-friendly....lets watch James Bond!" :rolleyes: ). Watched the Dallas game instead. Bleah.

I've got BoB box-set, I'd prefer to watch it without commercials anyway. Need to get the Godfather box set, though.
Wife wants to brave Target crowds today, get a crock-pot and maybe a 32" TV. I'll slip the Godfather box set in the cart while I'm there.....hehehehehehehehehehe...She gets a crockpot, I get a trilogy. "Its an offah she cahn't refoos."
Heh. Got the TV. Got a wall-mount (piece of crap, but it hangs on the wall). Got the Godfather box-set ($35). Crockpot? Sold out, but got a rain-check. TV's mounted and works (Kelly's Heroes is almost over), now gotta drag Christmas tree/lights outta the attic. So much for vacation, eh?

Hey, at least you made it out there and back in one piece!

I live alone with no relatives in the area, so I don't have to worry about shopping for others, decorating the place or any of that stuff. :thumbleft:

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