I agree with" Das Boot"as what seems to be an accurate war film. Let me tell you something about" Bridge Over the River Kwai". I just finished a book about the survivors from the USS Houston and there were many personal interviews of them and bunch of Texas National Guardsmen of the 36th Div that got to work on the Burma-Siam rail road. They said the Bridge movie was the biggest bunch of crap that was ever made. First, the Japanese engineers that worked on the bridges and railroad knew exactly what to do and did not need any British officer to tell them what to do. Second, all that were interviewed said everyone did everything they could get away with to sabotage the work to the extent that when the railroad was finished and the POWs were put on the train to take them to another work camp, the first bridge they went over they all held their breath, afraid it would collapse. The sanitary conditions in the camp were so bad and the flies so bad that even though they were only fed 1/2 canteen cup of rice twice a day, if before they could eat it a fly landed on it they knew they had to throw the rice away because they would almost certainly get dysentery and probably die since they had no medicine and if you could not work the Japanese would not feed you. I thought "We Were Soldiers" was pretty realistic. I read the book and the movie followed the book pretty closely. I know Hal Moore ( the bat. cmdr. played by Mel Gibson) quite well and had many conversations with him about the book before and after the movie was made. Hal was an advisor on the movie but he said they did not pay much attention to him. Hal retired as a Lt General and he is a wonderful gentleman. His wife Julie does not look anything like Madeleine Stowe(surprise) who played her in the movie but Hal said he spent a lot of time with Mel Gibson and liked him very much. "The Pursuit of the Graf Spee" was well done. If you look at a track chart of the battle the movie replicated the battle almost exactly as it was. On top of that, one of the cruisers, the Achilles, actually played it's on role in the movie although it was at the time the movie was made called the New Delhi, having been given to the Indian Navy. Also no one has mentioned "Task Force" a movie about carrier aviation which starred Gay Cooper that had a lot of combat film in it and was realistic.