My First Attempt at Armour, The Panther Panzer KampfwagenV Ausf A....

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Hej Dan,
An exellent progress you have done.The Panther looks better nad better.
I'm working on the shots on how to paint the tracks for you.But I have to make the English captions firstly.

Keep working on .
OK.Here is the first serie of shots for painting of tracks thread.I used some scanned pics from some articles on a tank paint in SuperModel magazine.Although these were about T-34 and some German tanks.The pics are suitable for Panzer modelling.

To be continued........


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Concerning your questions.
1. I think you can skip the first step.
2. I don't know how your ruber tracks are flexible.There is always a possiblilty of a paint peeling when these are bending or stretching.But it seems that if you put very thin layers of colours everything should go well.

BTW these tracks have to be washed up with warm water and soap or some drops of a liquid for cleaning dishes before painting.
THX Alex.

Dan, all parts of any model should be washed up by having "a bath". It removes all dirt,dust and fat of your fingers for instance.It also lets a paint to be better sticked to the surface.Of course when these pieces are cleaned and dry you should avoid touching them with dirt fingers etc...

Why is this weekend gonna be stressful ?
OK. The thread is going on.The Panzer IV is a good example of the weathering.The pictures are form an article about the tank publicated in SuperModel magazine.

To be continued.....


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And I still have questions about doing the dirty wash over the whole tank... I have some acylic black now... Ive never done a wash so.... This is how Im planning it:

Highly diluted black paint, and while using my small detail brush, lightly dab it in the grooves and cracks/seams.... Then I'll take a Q-tip and dab away at the excess paint, allowing only a small shadow to remain...

Sound right???
Now I understand you.So take a deep breath.

Aha..... I have some more pics of wearhering.Are you still interested in?
If yes I'll upload then when I make captions.I think these should be interesting for you as well.

We have passed by with our posts.So...yes it sounds right.I'll make these captions and post them as soon as possible.OK?

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