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Yesterday, my chemical doctor gave me a gold star for yet another awesomely low PSA number. it got rained on :cry:

My daily totals on the grader

Something added this year. There are fault lines in the high wall and in the past it required everyone to keep an eye on the wall to detect movement; good in the day time, not so much at night. We now have two motion detectors that scan the high wall, as seen in the back ground. They detect movement in millimetres, day or night and an alarm is sent to dispatch. If its nightime, equipment can be moved away to another are for digging

Congrats on the PSA and gold star Geo, my GP just gives me a pat on the back. :lol: :lol:
Finally got a video of why I hate shovel moves. Pit services has the power to pull a grader to help with the move and they always call me because I've done dozens. I hate them because there is a lots of hanging around but mostly its the travel. This is the top speed of a shovel. When I travel I have it in 1st gear and low idle, I move at 2kph which is too fast so I spend hours on the inching pedal and brakes

Sunday night


How to stop a haul truck travelling at 40kph in zero seconds. Petie was quite proud of himself; it took two dozers and a hoe to get him mobile again. You can see material piled up under his boarding ladder

Probably the last photos of my working life. This is my Minestar screen located on the console about knee height. It contains a lot of useful info for me but I mostly use it to see haul trucks trying to sneak up behind me. The screen is usually zoomed out a bit more so I can see about 500 metres behind. I can zoom out enough to see the entire mine but its not very helpful


There is a loose wire somewhere in the back so this is all I see, hard on the eyes during the day, worse at night



I hope you've enjoyed my work life. Hopefully I can find something to post during my retirement


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