New Airfix 1/48 Hurricane

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Looks like your paint is a bit too thin Dale or you are blowing it too hard.

Let me know if you get stuck for that part as I have a couple of spare vac-formed ones available.

Hey, Andy,
Thank you for your very kind offer. I found a vacuformed canopy at my LHS. I am going to try to cut it into two to open the canopy.
From the sources I've read, Model Color isn't very good for air brushing though it can be done. Here's a link to some who have had success. Need tips on airbrushing Vallejo model color

Hey, fubar, thank you for that link! I read through that and started experimenting with a sheet of plastic. I am finding about a 20% thinned solution at 15-25psi seems to work in my Iwata and my Paasche Talon. See imagine below or tests. One secret seems to be to ensure the Model Colors are thoroughly mixed to minimizie any "pockets" of pigments. I do find I need to pause every few minutes and wipe the needle off. That helps a great deal.


  • Valejo Test 2.jpg
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  • Valejo test 1.jpg
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Ok, so my tests are done and I used what I learned to shoot the Sky on the belly. Seems to have come out just fine.


  • Painted Belly.jpg
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Getting a handle on it. I just tried my first shot of Model Air Surface Primer, recommended air pressure, 20-25psi and it worked great, no thinner needed. I used an Aztek airbrush with the grey tip. For an Iwata, a .3 to .5 setup is what seems to be used most often but everyone is different
That looks like it's coming along ! I've built two of Airfix's new kits and they're fantastic, mind you the ones I did are 1:72 scale. The only 1:48 scale Hurricane I did was the old Monogram one and it was pretty meager and a very long time ago ! . Nice work.
Looking great. I only have the old Airfix kit for this along the Monogram and Hobbycraft kits. As much as this makes me want to add this to my build list, it won't happening very soon. Can't wait to see the end product.

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