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Dude, that's awesome!

Indeed! You must have dropped a chunk of change
A large number of members make/assemble thier gear, I don't have the room or setup to do that, so I opted to get a complete ensemble (boots and blaster/holster seperate) and mine is the highest grade available (hero) which is 100% screen grade. So it could technically be used on set within the timeline between Rogue One through Return of the Jedi.

Total "out the door" cost for the entire costume was about $1,700.°°

Snow tires on the aircraft....in California Dave? Or are they for sand?
We have a local group of Bush Pilots here in Northern California and they are dang-good at getting in and out of tight places, much like their Alaskan and Canadian brethren.

They also bring a whole new meaning to STOL, and like the photo you just posted, they'll skim along the river or lake and/or use either to land on a tiny sand bar.

By the way, the ship I'm standing in front of, is a working bushplane - note the extended cargo compartment beneath the fuselage as well as the cargo straps on the wings.

*oops* just realized at the angle that the photo was taken, you can't see the cargo straps on the wings. They're between the Jury struts and the cockpit.
Great stuff Dave!

My sword instructor had a Star Wars themed wedding. He married Princess Leia, she married Darth Maul! :)
That sounds like it was a cool wedding, Evan!

Wonder if they were members of the 501st or members of Stormtrooper Ranch?
501st is global, Stormtrooper Ranch has members in the UK and Australia (and the U.S., of course).

Out of curiousity, you mentioned "sword instructor", is this Fencing, Imperial Roman or Feudal European skills or an Eastern sword discipline like IttoRyu/Kendo, Kenjutsu?
It was a quiet wedding with just a couple of his mates Dave, no 'serious' club members AFAIK.

Re the sword training, I was part of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) for a couple of years. We used Longswords mostly, but also trained with sabres, longknives (similar to machetes) and staffs. Great fun, and interesting to learn!
It was a quiet wedding with just a couple of his mates Dave, no 'serious' club members AFAIK.

Re the sword training, I was part of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) for a couple of years. We used Longswords mostly, but also trained with sabres, longknives (similar to machetes) and staffs. Great fun, and interesting to learn!
I'm familiar with the HEMA art, though never had an opportunity to try. My experience falls into the Eastern traditions (Japanese) although I would love to train in the Imperial Roman technique with both the Spatha and Gladius.

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