Norwegian Armed Forces Aircraft Collection

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the Flak 38 has tody been completed and will during easter be reunited with the trolley i restored earlier.
Its now fully operational ( it was not movable before restoration )
the only thing missing is the sight but that will be added during the summer ( we have one in store for us arriving this summer )


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Very good job you are doing. Looking forward to a update on the FLAK trolley.

I really have to visit the museum sometime. Maybe I can bring some items if you need heinkel parts and such. What is the policy on that..? I have a wall-mount for a oxygen flask.
hi and thanks. today we got the flak 38 on its wagon..and that was a easy job..three man could easily do it without any tool.. german enginering at its best

if you have parts to donate that is always welcome Jon Kjetil. and let me know if you plan a trip to the museum

the Mg 151 in the background is a original fieldmodification from WW2 ( from aircraft to grounduse/flak )

so for the users of this is the first view of this flak on wagon as nobody else has seen it yet ( me and two others )
was put on display today after completion


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