I have found this place is likened to a college campus. Threads are like dorm rooms. If you don't like what is happening in one, haul off to another. Some threads I avoid, keeps me old blood pressure in check. Others just make you feel better, so I hang around in them! And forums are like amoebas, they expand and contract, just like everything else in the world. One should never Expect Too much from them, what you get is directly proportional to what you contribute.
As far as "I know more than you know" goes........... buster, that is called Help in my language, especially on this forum. I've never heard the phrase "boy are you stupid" or anything close to that in here, at least Not where I hang out.
I Have seen a "You haven't made me sticky yet so I am through with this forum", or "why haven't I got a vote yet, I am as good as anyone in here!". Needless to say, they are no longer with us.
Hang out in a different dorm room, simple as that.
Just sayin.