Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!

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He's head of the army, isn't he? And he sanctioned the mission. Of course he got the props.
Good job USA and especially the forces who did this operation. It was about time

Absolutely, symbolism isn't bad and every nation and probably on the lower level of an idividual or a group of people has their symbols be they good or bad, I do anyway. But one must not be blinded by it. For example the fact that an event like the raising of the flag on the burning ruins of the Reichstag even came to pass has to me a lot to do with symbolism covering up what was actually going on..until it became an unstopable torrent that took 60 something million lives to stop.
Praise to President Bush for putting the protocols in place to achieve this.

Praise to President Obama for following through with those protocols and giving the green light.

Praise to the Seals who carried out this mission in exemplary fashion!

Now, will the detainee at Gitmo claim the reward?
Well done to the CIA and the US Navy SEAL team, good work all round, and some real justice carried out at last.

Although he was just one person in the whole terror network, he had to be the biggest and most iconic figurehead of all, and although they will no doubt have to react to some degree, this has to be a blow to them, and vividly demonstrates to both sides in the war on terror that even their top man isn't untouchable.

The loss of leadership, the figurehead, and funding to the terror organisation will be a blow to their operations.
I don't doubt that we killed him, but I think most of the detail about the operation is bs. This is just standard disinformation.

I can't believe we'd give out the method we used to find out where he was, how we got there, and other methods of operation.
Like mister Churchill said, in war the truth has to be protected by a bodyguard of lies.
First, RA, that was absolutely hysterical
Tyro, sometimes we "Good" Guys are pathological truth tellers, comes with the white hat and horse. surprised we didn't shoot him in the hand
I am thinking like tyro the more I read the news and hear crap on a minute by minute basis, I do not even think there is a secret navy seals team nor was the cia involved. bin laden was shot in the ass twice, then gassed as he was withering in pain. he was then shrouded in a black cloth and given the skins of at least a dozen mettwurst, buried in a concrete box with gps tracker with explosives and then a text message to Al Q's to try and find him.

truth of the matter is yes the info has been released way too quickly to the public to allow for many misconceptions of what is reality.
Many in the military speculate the Bin Laden was no longer in a position to lead as he was in hiding or seclusion and could not risk communicating regularly and efficiently, so his role has been diminished significantly according to many.
Not really the point. The man was supposedly dying anyhow and had Kidney failure. The point of the matter is that the world is a much better place without the Son of a Bitch and we only made it much sooner. He got what he deserved.
Short message. Reports are surfacing that Obi Wan Bin laden was unarmed at the time of his death. My opinion on that is baloney. his arms was his mouth. He was able to get a lot of bad people to do his bidding. His resistance was to tell his guards to resist, which no-one is disputing.

There are going to be details emerge in the coming days, and people are going to try to demonize this as much as they can.

Be ready people

I heard that also and go WTF A hunted man,every vid he as an Ak47 and there's not one by the bed??Come on! I have a carbine by my bed and a .45 in a closet in another room easy to get to.Something happened but this story keeps on changing and why?
Be ready people.
But you watch the do-gooders, people who generally have never carried a rifle for their country in their life...people who have never been in harms way for the national interest, come out and say that the US never intended to take him alive and that the US is guilty of some crime....blah blah blah
Oh man, I find it difficult to read some of the comments here.

I served, Navy, enlisted before Viet Nam, but unfortunately discharged before the conflict escalated to be involved.

OBL got what was coming. Seal team 6 carried out an assigned mission with great honor, for All Americans, for every relative, of every citizen, of every nation, of every cread who died because of that rat bag.

Like it or not, they did it for you, and you and you!
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Just a point of clarification regarding my earlier post...

It wasn't meant to be a political jab, wether or not I like the guy. Yeah he's the C-n-C and gave the green light without meddling in the mission details. What I object to, is that everyone is patting the guy on the back and propping him up as if he personally flew over there, huffed a can of spinach and dove into bin ladin's crib like Chuck Norris on a mission from God and shived the asshat in the face with a stainless steel dinner fork.

What about all the soldiers on the ground for the past 10 years, hiking all over the mountains of Afghanistan, searching under every rock and bush and finding nothing but shadows, stinging insects, crappy weather and the occasional ambush? Not to mention the massive amount of manpower consumed by personnel scouring satelite images, operating and monitoring UAV missions and the Spooks and Opers working on the ground from the inside? And the list goes on.

They all played a role in this, right down to the NAVY Seal team that finally cornered the douchebag and delivered a little payback. They're the ones who deserve the recognition.

And as far as the issue regarding bin ladin being unarmed, well, so were the passengers in those commercial jets...
Having people above you get credit for what you did is SOP in the military, unfortunately. It's a thankless job a lot of the time and the pay sucks. But still there are those that will still go out and do that job. I did it many years ago and have no regrets. I am thankful to those that continue to carry the flame for us old farts.
^ Agreed Eric, was always going to happen that way.

As for him being unarmed and still being shot, that doesn't bother me. He needed to be removed/captured either dead or alive it doesn't make much difference, highly likely not much would of been learned from him anyway as he wouldn't talk (or at least would try not to talk)...

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